Quad SPI AMOLED Displays


This display driver supports AMOLED displays with quad SPI interfaces.

This driver has been tested with the following displays:

  • Lilygo T4-S3

  • Lilygo T-Display S3 AMOLED


This component requires an ESP32 and the use of ESP-IDF. PSRAM is a requirement due to the size of the display buffer. A quad SPI bus interface must be configured.


Lilygo T4-S3


Lilygo T-Display S3 AMOLED

# Example minimal configuration entry

  - platform: qspi_amoled
    model: RM690B0
    data_rate: 80MHz
    spi_mode: mode0
      width: 450
      height: 600
      offset_width: 16
    color_order: rgb
    invert_colors: false
    brightness: 255
    cs_pin: 11
    reset_pin: 13
    enable_pin: 9

Configuration variables:

  • model (Required): One of RM67162 or RM690B0.

  • cs_pin (Required, Pin Schema): The chip select pin.

  • reset_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): The RESET pin.

  • enable_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): The display enable pin.

  • brightness (Optional, int): A brightness value in the range 0-255

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to re-draw the screen. Defaults to 5s.

  • auto_clear_enabled (Optional, boolean): Whether to automatically clear the display in each loop (‘’true’’, default), or to keep the existing display content (must overwrite explicitly, e.g., only on data change).

  • pages (Optional, list): Show pages instead of a single lambda. See Display Pages.

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.

  • color_order (Optional): Should be one of rgb (default) or bgr.

  • dimensions (Required): Dimensions of the screen, specified either as width x height (e.g 320x240) or with separate config keys.
    • height (Required, int): Specifies height of display in pixels.

    • width (Required, int): Specifies width of display.

    • offset_width (Optional, int): Specify an offset for the x-direction of the display, typically used when a display is smaller than the maximum supported by the driver chip. Default is 0

    • offset_height (Optional, int): Specify an offset for the y-direction of the display. Default is 0.

  • rotation (Optional): Rotate the display presentation in software. Choose one of , 90°, 180°, or 270°.

  • transform (Optional): Transform the display presentation using hardware. All defaults are false. This option cannot be used with rotation.

    • swap_xy (Optional, boolean): If true, exchange the x and y axes.

    • mirror_x (Optional, boolean): If true, mirror the x axis.

    • mirror_y (Optional, boolean): If true, mirror the y axis.

  • data_rate (Optional): Set the data rate of the SPI interface to the display. One of 80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz, 10MHz (default), 5MHz, 2MHz or 1MHz.

  • spi_mode (Optional): Set the mode for the SPI interface to the display. Default is MODE0.

  • invert_colors (Optional): With this boolean option you can invert the display colors.

  • lambda (Optional, lambda): The lambda to use for rendering the content on the display. See Display Rendering Engine for more information.

Example configurations

Lilygo T4-S3

  id: quad_spi
  type: quad
  clk_pin: 15
  data_pins: [14, 10, 16, 12]

  sda: 6
  scl: 7

  - platform: cst226
    id: my_touchscreen
    interrupt_pin: 8
    reset_pin: 17

  - platform: qspi_amoled
    model: RM690B0
    data_rate: 80MHz
    spi_mode: mode0
      width: 450
      height: 600
      offset_width: 16
    color_order: rgb
    invert_colors: false
    brightness: 255
    cs_pin: 11
    reset_pin: 13
    enable_pin: 9
    update_interval: never
    auto_clear_enabled: false

  mode: octal
  speed: 80MHz

Lilygo T-Display S3 AMOLED

  id: quad_spi
  type: quad
  clk_pin: 47
    - 18
    - 7
    - 48
    - 5

  sda: 3
  scl: 2

  - platform: cst816
    id: my_touchscreen
      number: 21

  - platform: qspi_amoled
    model: RM67162
    id: main_lcd
      height: 240
      width: 536
      mirror_x: true
      swap_xy: true
    color_order: rgb
    brightness: 255
    cs_pin: 6
    reset_pin: 17
    enable_pin: 38

See Also